What to Say in Any Email (A Simple 3-Step Persuasive Formula)

Is it that time already?
You know, that time you dread when you have to figure out what to say in your next email.
That time when you think up five other things you could be doing instead.
Sure, the act of writing your email can be the hardest part of email marketing. But it doesn’t have to be.
If you’ve been following along with our Virtual Workshop Series for Retailers: How to Increase Sales with Email Marketing, you already have a plan for the email(s) you’re going to send.
You know what you need to write about. And now you’ll see how to actually do it.
In the next session, How to Write an Email in 15 Minutes or Less, we’ll walk you through the seven essential elements of an email so you can overcome procrastination, write your email in minutes, and get it out to your contacts on time, every time.
Here’s a look at the simple persuasive formula you’ll learn as part of the workshop.
If you have kids, you’ve probably already used this formula without even knowing it.
Here’s a typical conversation with my twin girls…
Me: Girls, I was thinking we could watch a movie tonight.
Girls: What movie?
Me: That new one you wanted to see with Jack Black is on iTunes.
Girls: Yay!
Me: I’ll just need you to clean up your stuff in the living room. Then we can watch it.
Girls: Okay.
Essentially, in this conversation I’ve said, “Here’s an idea I have, this is why you’ll like it, and this is what I need you to do to get it.”
Let’s take a look at how this formula applies to email.
When it comes to what to say in your email, especially when you’re sending a time-based promotion, this same idea allows you to create a quick and persuasive email in minutes.
Just answer the following questions to create your email content:
- What are you offering? — Headline
- How will it help the reader? — Message body
- What should they do next? — Call to action
Take a look at this email example:
Pretty simple, right?
Allow me to demonstrate one more time…
Join us for Part Two of our Virtual Workshop Series for Retailers: How to Write an Email in 15 Minutes or Less.
You’ll find out how to remove the uncertainty of what to write and consistently create persuasive email content in minutes.
Register for Part 2: Write Your Email in 15 Minutes or Less
(Register to receive the recording even if you can’t attend live.)
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