March 2021 Marketing Holidays
Ahhhh… spring is coming! As a matter of fact, the first day of spring is the 20th of March (for those of us in the Northern Hemisphere that is). Are you ready?
Depending on where you are located, it may have already started feeling a little like spring. For others, you may still have snow on the ground. Either way, if you’re a gardener, you’ve likely already started your seedlings indoors. And, if your like me, you’re anxiously awaiting the last frost so you can move them all outdoors and have your kitchen, spare room, and other living areas back.
I remember, every year, March was when my Mom started her “spring cleaning” and whether it’s out of tradition, or absolute necessity, I now do the same with my own home. There’s something very empowering about taking time to clean and declutter my environment — especially my office — it’s like getting a fresh start.
Which brings me to March 3rd, Simplify Your Life Day.
If you haven’t already, this is a great day to sit down and plan your marketing strategy for the year. Especially think about how you can simplify your marketing by implementing tools like click segmentation, social media posting, and triggered email series’.
But, before you dive into that, take a look at some of the holidays this month has to offer and see how you can include them in your marketing.
March 2021 holidays
The holidays this month celebrate a lot of independence, as well as opportunities to do some spring cleaning of the soul with great causes to come together for. Here are a few of my favorites:
- March 2nd – Read Across America Day/Dr. Seuss Day — This day is all about… you guessed it, reading! Not only is it to celebrate the joys of reading, but it’s also an opportunity to bring “awareness of the importance of reading in education.” My recommendation: Call your local library, elementary school, or daycare center and see if they need readers for story-hour, donations, or volunteers to help out. Then, get involved and encourage your customers to do the same. And, get a little Seussical with your marketing today!
- March 19th – Red Nose Day — This day, created by Comic Relief, is about ending “child poverty by funding programs that keep children safe, healthy, and educated” through the use of entertainment and humor. My recommendation: Use today to encourage your customers to get their #NosesOn.
- March 23rd – National Puppy Day — This day “celebrates the unconditional love and affection puppies bring to our lives… [and] brings awareness to the need for care of and homes for orphaned pups as well as to educate people about the horrors of puppy mills.“ My recommendation: Host a one-day charity drive for a local animal shelter (think matching donations, a percentage of the day’s sales, or rounding up much-needed items — just contact your local shelter to see how you can help, then ask your customers to help make it happen — For the puppies!)
For some more holidays and ideas on what you can do to share them with your customers, download the graphic below. And, if nothing else, send them an email with some spring cleaning tips to help them get a fresh start this spring, too!
March 2021 marketing and holiday planning infographic
Click the image below to download the full infographic.
The post March 2021 Marketing Holidays appeared first on Constant Contact.