March 2020 Marketing and Holiday Planning

Did you know that March 1st is World Compliment Day? It’s a perfect opportunity to compliment and thank your contacts for being a part of your business.
Have a Mom and Pop? There’s a day for that, too.
And if you have a nursery, you know that spring begins on the 19th. So it’s a great time to send out some gardening tips and maybe even a coupon for a discount on potting soil.
The point is, St. Patrick’s Day is not the only holiday in March, so when planning your marketing for this month, choose a special day that compliments your business. Or, if you’re feeling feisty, make one up!
My favorite day in March: Simplify Your Life Day — It’s a great time to think about how you can streamline and simplify your marketing by recycling content. It’s also a great opportunity to send your contacts tips on how to simplify things in their life. From spring cleaning closets to organizing a potting shed — what do you have to share this month?

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