June 2020 Marketing and Holiday Planning

Ah, June… I can’t believe it’s already summer. I remember when summer meant it was time to stay outside until I was called in for dinner. This year, with COVID-19, it seemed like winter would never end.
But don’t worry, there are plenty of ways to get some sun and air while still social distancing, and you should keep that in mind as you begin to set up this month’s marketing schedule.
Did you know that June 5th is World Environment Day? This year’s theme is “Time for Nature” with a focus on [nature’s] role in providing the essential infrastructure that supports life on Earth and human development. So, think about incorporating a bit of nature into your marketing this month.
My favorite day this month? Best Friends Day on the 8th.
This is a great day to encourage your customers to do something special for their best friend, whether that’s an old high school chum who lives half-way across the country, a spouse, a parent, or a fur baby. Everyone has a best friend!
So, this month, as we’re trying to get used to our new normal of limited hours, wearing masks, and having picnics at a respectable and safe, distance, think about how you can encourage your customers to be kind to each other, be kind to nature, and be kind to themselves.
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