August 2016 Marketing and Holiday Planning

What does August mean for your business?
Maybe it’s (finally) your chance for a little peace and quiet before the busy back-to-school and holiday months set in?
Or, on the flip side, this could be your busiest time of the year.
Whether you’re enjoying extra foot traffic in your store or putting your feet up for a well-deserved vacation, don’t let August go by without sending an email to your subscribers.
Make it easy on yourself. Set up an autoresponder series to welcome new subscribers to your email list, so you know they’re getting an extra warm introduction to your business.
And don’t forget about your existing subscribers. Send them an email in honor of Friendship Week with a special to share with their friends. This is a great way to boost referrals for your business.
If the month starts to get away from you, don’t worry. Send an email towards the end of the month, previewing your back-to-school specials.
Take a look at the infographic below to find the right idea for you:
(Having trouble viewing the infographic? View it here.)
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Check back next month for our September infographic! In the meantime, leave us a comment with your best summer marketing tips or questions.
The post August 2016 Marketing and Holiday Planning appeared first on Constant Contact Blogs.