April 2020 Marketing and Holiday Planning

It’s April. While all of us are trying to adapt to social distancing and government-required closures, time continues to pass. And now we find ourselves in the month of April with bright green buds of spring poking through winter’s gray.
For me, no matter what else is happening in the world, April is a time to celebrate — not only because it’s the month my mother was born, but also because April is when the gloom of winter begins to be replaced with the bright colors of summer. I always look forward to the spotting the first daffodils of the season breaking through the crust of the last snowfall.
And although COVID-19 may be keeping us from shopping at our local greenhouse or garden center just yet, it’s a good time to remind our contacts what they can do to celebrate and enjoy this month — no matter where, or how, they’re practicing social-distancing.
Think about what spring traditionally means for your business; what kind of products do you usually get in, or how do you redecorate to bring spring inside? Share those thoughts with your contacts, and shift your online offerings to items that will bring spring into their lives.
While we may still be social distancing due to COVID-19, we can (and should) look forward to a bright and beautiful spring. With National Siblings Day, Easter, Earth Day and Arbor Day all in the same month, there’s lots of spring to celebrate. So, share it with your contacts… and even in the midst of a difficult situation, help them to feel the renewing and refreshing breath of spring that is the month of April.

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