8 Essential Questions Your Agency Website Should Answer

Your marketing agency website might be something you created yourself on a then user-friendly platform years ago and admittedly haven’t touched since.
Or, it might be something you update once a year thanks to the help of your hired web developer.
No matter what the situation, as you craft your marketing plan for the coming year, it’s important to review your website to make sure it is up-to-date, accurately reflects your offerings, represents your brand, is clear and concise, and includes mobile-responsive technology.
Otherwise, you could be losing out on potential business.
How do you make sure you’re not losing potential business?
Have a team member, or a long-time client, go through your website with a critical eye and address these simple, yet essential questions to make sure your website is current, and designed to drive in business:
1. Does my website communicate the services I offer?
Within six seconds after landing on your website, it should be clear what you do, who you do it for, and what you offer. If it’s not, you need to revise your homepage and make sure it is crystal clear.
2. Does my branding consistently appear on every page?
You want someone to land on your site and know it is your brand, as well as get a feel for your business. You’ve worked hard to brand yourself, so make sure it is prevalent on your website and represented on each page, as well as tab, to help develop and build recognition.
3. Do I have keywords throughout my website?
If you don’t, you could be losing out on SEO benefits such as steering potential business to your website. Verify that your keywords are used throughout your site. For example, if you own a marketing agency in Chicago that works predominantly with local clients and specializes in content marketing, be sure a couple of the keywords you repeat throughout are “content marketing” and “Chicago content marketer.” Stating them four to six times throughout your website, and preferably on every page or tab you have on your website, will give you SEO benefits.
4. Is my content clear and concise?
A website is not the place to share the 10 paragraph manifesto of who you are, and why you went into business. Although we’re sure it’s interesting, too much content is exactly that on a website — too much. Make sure any content you have on your website is clear, easily digested, uses recognizable words to potential clients, integrates keywords, is visually formatted to draw the eye, and steers your potential client to do what you want them to do (calls to action).
5. Do I have a list of my offerings, and are they accurate?
As time goes by, chances are your business offerings have changed somewhat. With added offerings based on new trends and technology, as well as fine-tuning your services currently offered based on your niche, it’s important that what you state you do is not only accurate but the type of business you want. You don’t need to lay out intricate pricing models. However, having packages and what exactly you offer outlined will help convert your visitor to an actual client.
6. Do I use the words of others to effectively “brag” about my business?
If you offer services, products, or downloads – having a testimonials or quotes page is the perfect way to “brag” about your business, without you having to do it directly. Let others sing your praises! People love to read about the ways you’ve improved other’s lives or businesses and are more apt to buy from or hire you if others have had good experiences. Make sure to have a separate tab/page for these, or weave them throughout your most visited pages.
7. Would someone know immediately how to contact us?
Contact information is often one of the most overlooked, but important components of a website. Within a few moments, a visitor should know how and where to contact you, and it should be clear and highly visible.
8. Is your website mobile responsive?
If your website is using an outdated platform, or if it is not mobile responsive, the time to update is NOW. With the majority of people using their mobile devices to do research on and make business decisions, you’re losing out on potential sales if yours is not.
Increase your brand’s value and income potential.
As marketers, we should be as close to the cutting edge of technology as possible, and our business website is no exception. Your website not only serves as your virtual calling card — it’s a great example of the quality of work you’re likely to provide to prospective clients. So use the questions above to take an editing eye to your website.
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